Thirteen Days brings back the good old fashioned (and I mean good) nailbiter film here and even if you know history (thus knowing the outcome), there is still some good stuff here. Things that might've not been known to the average American back then now are revealed in thrilling tension that is only slightly eased by Kevin Costner who doesn't need to really be there (and has a stronger JFK accent that JFK does in this movie). The look at the Cuban missle crisis here is the heart of the movie and it works pretty good. Not great but good, and if your looking for a historical thriller, this is the one for the season. B+
'Sentiment: Neutral 😑'
I served aboard the USS Joseph P. Kennedy which was depicted in the film. The Kennedy was the ship that boarded the Marcula in the waters off the Bahamas. The Kennedy, now part of Battleship cove in Fall River, Ma., actually played herself in the film. The actual boarding was not as quite dramatic as depicted in the movie.The boarding party for instance did not wear dress white uniforms and the Marcula was more of a "rust bucket" than depicted in the movie. Although the 5 inch guns were aimed at the vessel, I don't recall a shot being fired.As far as the movie is concerned I though it gave a rather accurate accounting of the circumstances that surrounded this time in history with a few embellishment's that are purely thrown in as theatrical license.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
Historically accurate, great acting, factual plot, one of Kevin Costner's best acting performances